Treasurer Report:
No old business discussed.
We decided to hold a spring fly-in at Green Sea on April 4th where we'll have hamburgers and chicken wings.
Noted that dues must be received by Dec 7th to be officially registered as a member of the Chapter when we submit our renewal documentation. Please mail in or bring your dues to the Christmas party.
That's right, Christmas party. We've reserved the room again at the Islamorada for 5pm on December 7th. All are requested to attend and invite friends to join you. Please email Jesse at to register your attendance and number of guests.
Chapter membership dues need to be in by the November meeting. Dues remian at $20 per year for all members.
MoGas STC - no reported performance degradation. Should be available for the 160HP Lycomings.
Doug demonstrated the process to scrub the ethanol out of the gasoline using water to absorb the alcohol out of the gas.
Lucas fuel conditioner reported as an excellent alcohol remover / protector.
Discussed the Swift fuel approach with grain based fuels with high octane ratings.
Ron provided a cost comparison of non-ethanol fuel $3.49 for 93 octane and 100LL at $4.72
Ron asked why the requirement to turn on the fuel pump above 10k ft, no one knows.
May 3rd breakfast club at Hardee Air Park
Officers Present:Doug Floyd, President Duane Drisko, Treasurer Jesse Hyman, Secretary
Members and Visitors Present: